Friday Faves

Hello all it’s Friday!!!

Despite never making it to San Francisco, this has been a really good week. Not to mention that I spent a lot of it planning a different trip to San Fran for the National Collegiate Journalism Conference! Plus it was Valentine’s Day. And even as a solidly single girl, I loved it. 🙂

Here’s a lowdown on my favorite things this week:

Book to Read:

My Ideal Bookshelf

My Ideal Bookshelf…a book about famous people’s favorite books. YES

Thing to Make:

Gnocchi...learned the right way from the Painted Lady.

Gnocchi…learned the right way from the Painted Lady.

Weekly Adventure:


Valentine’s Day…cause it’s an adventure to navigate. I think my roommate did pretty well though. Her Mr. Right covered all the bases.

Favorite Quote:

Flame of God by Amy Carmichael...not this way went the good!

Flame of God by Amy Carmichael…not this way went the crucified…so good!

Place I’m Craving:

Bangladesh...wishing I was there so badly!

Bangladesh…wishing I was there so badly!